Certified consulting hypnotist

Inner Freedom Technique

Break free from the limiting beliefs you've developed throughout your life. Elevate your self-worth and be unapologetically you.

What is Inner Freedom Technique?

A deep dive into your inner self. And if you're looking here, you've probably already been on a journey. But you keep running into blocks.

IFT is hypnosis-based consulting. This is a gentle and powerful way to get deeply in touch with your subconscious to release the emotional charge around difficult experiences. The thoroughness of the questioning allows you to effortlessly resolve a lifetime of experiences that have similar associations, known and unknown, without having to relive the event. Often, it can get to the deeper issues that have been holding you back.

how it works

Guided Relaxation

A deep state of relaxation allows your subconscious mind to explore.

subconscious Permission

Gentle questioning and ideomotor signaling guides inner healing.

Neural Reprogramming

Create positive change by identifying and reprogramming limiting beliefs.

Real talk.

Hypnosis is misunderstood.

Most of us immediately picture stage antics or mind control references with swirly eyes and swinging watches. Not it. With IFT you are fully in control even in a relaxed state. You may even find that you are aware of what is happening during your session. The subconscious mind is actively having a conversation with your conscious mind to help resolve difficult experiences.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. Your subconscious is not going to do anything you would object to or give you more than you can handle.



Manage your daily stressors with a positive mental attitude.


Set goals, get out of your own way, and achieve the success you desire.


Attract opportunities and relationships that match your vibe.


Raise your self-worth, self-image, and self-love. Be your true authentic self.

The Process


Getting to Know You

Our first session is an assessment of life events and specific topics you want to resolve.


Diving Deeper

Follow Up sessions continue to release and resolve deeper blocks and destructive beliefs holding you back.


Finding Freedom

Leaning into those positive life-affirming patterns you've established for your best self.

Before Working 

I am not a mental health care provider nor do I diagnose or treat mental health issues. As a Certified Consulting Hypnotist, I work as a guide to help you tap into your inner resources to resolve unwanted or negative thoughts, patterns, and beliefs in a non-medical nature.

If you are suicidal, in psychosis, in fragile mental health, or are looking for a quick fix, this is not for you.


Let's get started.

Are you ready?

Take a moment to find a time that works for you. Reflect upon and answer the form so we can begin.

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